Since the fall of 2018, the Franklin Hill Elementary School community has taken steps to convert to a “greener” culture that respects the environment and strives to reduce its impact on the planet. 

Students, teachers, parents, and the community as a whole, are all encouraged to play a role in making choices that further this effort. By actively integrating “greener” choices into daily school life, environmentally friendly practices are being modeled, and good habits instilled. Doing so helps pave the way for responsible use and protection of the planet. As a school, our hope is to shape the environmental stewards of the future. 

FHES Green Practices -Careful sorting of waste throughout the school & cafeteria -Annual “Waste Free Lunch Challenge” -Collection/recycling of writing instruments -School garden to attract pollinators -“Earth Hour” & “Earth Day” celebrations

The family’s role is integral in fostering respect for the environment and for guiding younger generations as they learn how their choices directly affect it.

Thinking of going “Green”? Here are a few suggestions: -Sort waste at home, according to your local municipality’s guidelines -Help your child pack a waste free lunch, complete with a reusable water bottle -Involve your child in sustainable practices, such as composting, gardening, etc.

Together, we can ensure that our children have the wisdom to safeguard the environment for many generations to come.